CYEB has awarded a special prize to the winner of the Energy Efficiency category - cyeb
CYEB sees the support of industrial energy efficiency initiatives as a top priority, therefore it has decided to sponsor the foundation of the Energy Efficiency category within the competition „Factory of the Year”. The 2016 Energy Efficiency special prize was given to the manager of AVENTICS Hungary Kft. by Márton Szebeni, managing director and principal owner of CYEB....

CYEB presentation at the innovation forum - cyeb
CYEB’s unique, tailor-made flue gas energy recuperation system was presented at the Energy and Innovation Forum....
Domestic electricity consumption may fall by as much as 15% - cyeb
As a result of plant closures due to the coronavirus, it is still difficult to estimate the decline in electricity consumption, but it can be said from European examples that a decline of more than 15% is conceivable....
Energy Overview 2018: will prices decrease or increase?
The energy market is sometimes more responsive to certain news, political events or just how cold the winter is. It is therefore difficult to make predictions in this market, but experts believe that an increase in the short-term, however, a continuous decline in the long term may be expected. Considering the effects of the variables mentioned below, the general belief is that it is profitable for undertakings to conclude contracts for 2 years. But what can influence the energy prices of the coming years? See more......
FŐTÁV opts for CYEB
CYEB has been chosen as a service provider of the FŐTÁV’s 410 GWh natural gas package in 2018/19...
We are saddled with utility cost digitalisation - cyeb
‘Within a short period of time the energy sector will also have its own Uber’, Martin Graf, the top brass of the Austrian Energy Regulatory Office predicted in his interview with Futurezone in 2015....
Are you planning an energy efficiency investment? We have calculated how you can come off well.
An investment in energy efficiency should only be made if its returns are within the foreseeable future. But how should we finance the investments?...
CYEB Energy Trade Llc prepares for the winter time - cyeb
CYEB Energy Trade Llc. diversifies its natural gas resources in the 2015/2016 gas year in order to ensure a secure supply of natural gas of its Partners. Therefore we start to inject natural gas into the underground storages, using the capacity of Hungarian Natural Gas Storages Plc. The injected volume ensures the security of supply for the Partners in the peak consumption term of winter time....
CYEB Energy Trading Ltd. has had its billing system audited successfully. - cyeb
The billing and the related background system received a qualification satisfying the requirements set forth in paragraph (4) of § 43 of Act LXXXVI of 2007 on electricity, as well as point (1b) of § 100 of Act XL of 2008 on natural gas supply. The registration number of the certification is: 20-00301/14-00081, the date of issuance is: 15 June 2015. ...
CYEB Energy Trading Ltd. has started to store natural gas since 01 May
Focusing on the high level of supply security of our customers, we purchase natural gas in the amount of EUR 4 million and the storage of the natural gas is performed - in accordance with our contract – by the Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd....
CYEB for Innovation in Education - cyeb
The CYEB Group is an international engineering corporation that applies mathematics and physics successfully in practice....
CYEB Germany - cyeb
The focus of our business activities is mainly on design, implementation, and operation of energy-saving projects relevant for medium-sized businesses. The Munich office concentrates on the business needs in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, we plan to open additional offices in other regions of Germany in the near future....
CYEB Group continued to improve its business performance in 2017 - cyeb
CYEB Group's revenue grew by more than 10% in 2017, continuing the growth trend of previous years. In Hungary, the retail portfolio was further expanded, and our foreign affiliates also take an increasingly important role in the successful operation of the Group. The positive development of the result was largely supported by a consistent cost management and risk management strategy, but it is still a top priority for us to increase the satisfaction of our customers....